FICA Express - New Service Launch

July 5, 2024 by Sam Strand

What is FICA Express? 

FICA Express is a one-click solution for basic FICA Compliance. Billed at a market-leading fixed rate of R9.95 per check, FICA Express generates a comprehensive PDF report that empowers businesses to quickly and easily vet customers and ensure compliance with FICA. 

FICA Express Allows You To:  

Verify a South African ID Number  

Check for PEP, DPIP and FPPO Status  

Screen Sanctions and Watchlists  

Conduct Adverse Media Screening  

Run AML Screening 

All of this information can be checked by using only an individual’s South African ID number, empowering your business to easily verify customers and ensure compliance with FICA.  

Who is FICA Express For?  

FICA Express is for anyone who needs to quickly and easily meet the basic requirements for FICA Compliance. 

However, cost and efficiency of the service is especially useful for:  

Motor Vehicle Dealers  

High-Value Goods Dealers 

Save Over 45% off with our Referral Promotion  

We are running a referral program that gives you the chance to save over 45% on your FICA Express bill up until the 30th of September 2024.  

For every new client you successfully refer to us (up to a maximum of 3) we will give you a discount on all your FICA Express usage bills, up until the 30th September 2024.  

How Does it Work? 

  1. Sign up for FICA Express with ThisIsMe. 
  2. Send your custom referral link to other businesses and get them to sign up for ThisIsMe’s FICA Express solution. 
  3. For each customer that you refer and successfully signs up with ThisIsMe, you get a percentage discount in the following tiers:  

1x Referral: 5% Discount  

2x Referrals: 10% Discount  

3x Referrals: 49% Discount 

This promotion is valid from the 1st of June until the 30th of September and normal billing rates will apply from the 1st of August 2024 onwards. 

How Much Does FICA Express Cost? 

FICA Express costs R9.95 per use.

Our Partners Platform (the platform from which you will access and use FICA Express) has a minimum monthly spend of R495 per month. In other words, you can verify 50 customers a month for R495.  

For every additional customer you verify above 50, you will only pay 9.95 extra per customer.  

How to Sign Up with FICA Express 

During our promotion period, there will be no setup fee for FICA Express. This means that you can sign up as a ThisIsMe client and begin using FICA Express immediately for no extra charge. 

This promotion runs until the 30th of September 2024.  

For all our existing customers, FICA Express is available on our Partners Platform. All our existing clients can run FICA Express checks. The service is located in the header bar at the top of our Partners Platform, enabling easy access at any time. 

Request a Demo Today  

To see how FICA Express can empower your business to easily comply with FICA, simply request a demo here.