Solutions to real problems

Onboard customers and ensure full FICA compliance every time with our world-class customer onboarding and Know-Your-Customer solutions.

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Comprehensively screen individuals and businesses for AML-related risk indicators.

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Verify bank account details quickly and easily.

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We provide the identity verification and risk assessment tools that your company needs to be AML compliant.

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3D Liveness Detection for Class-Leading Security, Every Time.

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Get a holistic overview of risk across all your databases.

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ThisIsMe API
Integrate today to seamlessly automate and scale your key processes with our standards-based API

Essential verification tasks need not be a drain on resources. By integrating your key processes directly with our API, you ensure compliance, reduce risk and deliver a swift experience your customers will love.

Hosted Verifications
Our Partners Platform empowers hundreds of users with the tools they need to validate and verify information every day

When direct integration is not required, our hosted solution, the Partners Platform, can execute any service available via API integration, right in the web. The Partners Platform can be customised to fit branding requirements and company permissions are strictly followed, putting you in control of who sees what.

What's in the news
FICA Express - New Service Launch

Explore FICA Express, the new market-leading product from ThisIsMe. Verify a South African ID number and screen for Sanctions and PEP, DPIP and FPPO status, all in one service.

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ThisIsMe`s 10th Birthday – How a Decade of Experience Shapes our Path Forward

ThisIsMe has officially turned 10 years old. Having launched ThisIsMe over a decade ago, I take stock of our immense progress and reflect on how the lessons learned will inform our future decisions and pathsways.

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Odin Launch Press Release - Explore Our New Partners Platform

Codenamed project Odin, our new Partners Platform has been in development for months and brings together many exciting projects. Odin includes several new products and features extensive improvements to every aspect of the user experience – menu layout, graphic design, technical stability and cross-platform functionality.

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FIC Slams Business Sectors and FICA Non-Compliance, Fines to Follow

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has slammed several South African business sectors for failing to comply with FICA and says that fines are soon to follow.

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